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Disciples Men’s Breakfast

Please set aside Saturday morning, December 2nd  for a FREE breakfast.  Coffee and juice available at 8:00 a.m. and breakfast will start around 8:15 a.m.   Victor Alm will be our...

Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Please plan to join us for an inspirational Maundy Thursday worship service at 7 pm on March 28th in the CCC Sanctuary. As in years past, we will have both...

Prayer Vigil

The Elders, with the support of the Core Leadership Team, are happy to be hosting the church-wide Prayer Vigil again in 2024. Members of the congregation are invited to sign...

Easter Morning Breakfast

The Disciples Men's Group is hosting breakfast for the congregation on Easter morning in the Wunderlich Family Life Center.  Serving time runs from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Please plan...

CCC Easter Egg Hunt

There will be an Easter Egg hunt on Easter morning at 9:30 a.m. for children of CCC. We hope families with children, from toddlers to 5th graders are encouraged to...